Commands I issue to shell to compile (customize to your own installation): export IDF_TOOLS_PATH=/home/msp/bis/work/esp/toolchain export ADF_PATH=/home/msp/bis/work/esp/esp-adf export IDF_PATH=/home/msp/bis/work/esp/esp-idf-v4.4.2 . $ADF_PATH/esp-idf/ menuconfig build -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash monitor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor **** START READING HERE **** This is a very sketchy description of the "espd" version of Pd, which runs on Espressif LyraT or LyraT-mini boards. To use these you will almost certainly have to compile your own version, at least to specify the WIFI settings which are set in the file main/espd.h . The instructions here _should_ work on macintoshes and PCs with appropriate changes (in the shell commands for instance). In addition to a linux machine you'll need an Espressif LyraT or LyraT mini board. To run espd, you must compile and load it on the board, biit the board, and then run a patch on the host computer that waits for the board to make a TCP connection to it. Once connected, the host patch then sends Pd messages to load a different patch on the esp. The two patches then can communicate over the same RCP connection. If the connection is ever broken the board reboots itself and tries to establish a new connection. Each time the host patch gets a new connection it then has to reload the ESP patch. As it stands all the vanilla Pd objects are compiled into espd except for the FFT objects and (oddly) netsend/netreceive. You can rebuild it with a different xhoice of objects compiled in, including your own objects. Steps to get this running: first install the espd compile chain and the "ADF" audio development platform. The ESP documentation is excellent. Start here: another (third-party) URL that might be useful: The compilation chain depends on an "sdkconfig" file - samples for the two boards are included as "sdkconfig.lyrat" and "sdkconfig.lyratmini" - you can rename one of these as "sdkconfig" before invoking the compiler. In addition to the sources youre looking at you'll need Pd, preferably the latest version, although I'm testing this with Pd commit 05bf346fa32510fd191fe77de24b3ea1c481f5ff . You can "git" clone pd into a subdirectory "pd" of this directory. Then you must apply four small patches to the Pd source, found in the subdirectory "patches". To compile, set up your envoronment variables and issue commands to compile, flash, and run the monitor program to see debugging output (see top of this page to see what I typw on my system). This should be done from a shell window that is in this (espd) directory. Then set up a host patch (examples in the subdirectory host). This patch listens on port 4498 (by default). When a connection os made, it loads a test patch on the esp, by sending the message "pd begin-new poodle .", then the contents of the patch, then "pd end-new" DOLIST toggles to indicate connectedness why is first message after restarting card dropped? move patch-loader out of tcpconnect sleeping between attempts to connect to host sleep message to pd object later: fold in the network Pd objects? adapt to non-lyraT boards