1, 2 not indexed yet 2a. short-time Fourier analysis and applying Hann window. 2b. 0:00 getting magnitude nad hpase 1:30 hand-drawn squeezed Hann window; uncertainty principle 13:00 Dirichlet kernel as FT of a square pulse 40:00 when can two peaks be resolved using Hann window 3a. 0:00 What is a spectral envelope 10:00 how the cochlea works 12:30 resonant frequency of place along the cochlea 14:15 how a single cochlear "filter" acts 17:00 jnd in pitch 20:00 masking 22:23 pitch discrimination as function of frequency 24:00 difference tones 26:40 critical bands and harmonics 28:00 does ear use difference tones among higher harmonics to hear pitch? 3b. 0:00 bonk help window 0:50 loudness is amplitude ^ 0.3 1:00 how bonk works 4:20 bonk output in silly sones 5:00 bonk spew mode 10:00 make a patch with bonk. Thresh 1000 1000 to shut it up 11:15 turn on spew mode and send to array 12:40 noise has more power in high critical bands 14:30 bonk args to get similar to critical bands 16:47 bonk -nfilters 1000 crashed... 17:00 rebuilding patch bonk~ -nfilters 50 -halftones 3 -npts 512 -hop 256 24:00 putting a straight sinusoid into bonk~ 24:30 similarits measure for sounds 25:00 searchvec-v1 33:00 normalizing two sets of bonk spectra so that one can index the other 24:00 speculation about pitch tracking with bonk~ 4a. 2:00 cosine transform 5:00 historical Fourier question. Cosine transform as symmetrized F transform 5:30 cosine transform of interest in heat flow on a bar 15:00 can you use cosine transform to look at sound? (I think not). 24:00 making a triangle wave and a square wave using cosinesum 30:00 basis functions as dot products of vectors 32:00 projection onto subset of basis vectors 35:00 distance between two functions (L^2) and projection 40:00 in discrete form, L^2 is just Euclidean distance squared 42:00 projection minimizes distance 4b. (missing - try to regenerate) 5a. 0:00 singular value decomposition applied to principal component analysis 16:00 accumulating correlation matrix of a set of points 24:45 analyze-voice.pd: accumulate points of a "bonk spectrum" for PCA 34:00 julia script to read bonk accumulation to get basis vectors 46:00 back to Pd to show the basis vectors 58:00 random walks and PCI 1:01:00 the cosines, not quite, because anchored at left to zero 1:03:00 try to subtract mean from random walks 5b. 0:00 fixing subtraction of mean from random walk for principal components 5:00 compared to principal components of two corpi: Ainger, Shatter, and speech 7:30 equal loudness contours and their implications for bark spectrum 10:00 don't compare unequally "important" dimensions with PCA 17:00 saving an equal-loudness contour to correct bark spectrum 24:00 Ainger corpus with and without equal-loudness correction 27:00 eigenvalues don't seem to depend much on equal-loudness normalization 30:00 linear prediction 43:00 example of LPC: resonance of coffee mug struck with a drumstick 1:04:00 sound of struck cup and its LPC error signal 1:10:00 LPC math 6a. 0:00 finishing LPC 10:00 factoring the polynomial 14:00 frequency response of a filter from pole plot 17:00 bandwidth tied to peak height in all-pole filters 23:00 LPC as spectral envelope predictor 23:30 f1, f2 bad functions of time (they can appear and disappear) 26:00 f1/f2/f3 might be better way to find vowels from voice recording 30:00 singers change their vowels to project better 38:00 bad sample rate behavior in LPC 41:00 pitch detection 48:00 sigmund demo on voice recording w/o amplitude control 49:00 dropouts; wrong pitch; octave errors 52:00 sigmund pitch and amplitude control 55:00 back to bark cepstrum; if you divide out total level quiet sounds jump 1:00:00 imaginary tetrahedral representation of pitch space 1:05:00 chroma and pitch height 1:11:00 shepard tone example to torture sigmund~ 6b. 0:00 summarize pyramid and chroma/height helix together as pitch manifold 7:00 yin pitch detector 20:00 Terhardt approach to pitch detection 43:00 pitch spectrum from filterbank (q=17) versus FFT 45:00 actually picking peaks in FFT (versus using it as a filterbank) 46:00 reasons vibraphones are hard to deal with 51:00 maximum liklihood, model as sinusoid plus noise 57:00 multiple probability spaces 1:00 more about octave ambiguity - how big a peak at f/2 do you need? 1:04 terhardt pitch spectrum doesn't give probabliity of one pitch vs. another 1:08 flutes are worst things for octave errors 1:09 question about antescofo vs. discrete-pitch score following 7. 0:00 Krumhansl and Parncutt tables in parncutt paper 0:30 probe tone technique used by Krumhansl 2:30 parncutt bottom curve 3:00 digression into pitch tracking via subharmonics 4:00 minor chord could come from subharmonics 5:00 take a major chord and make subharmonics of each to get harmonicity chroma 11:00 difference in leading tone relevance in major scale between two graphs 12:00 difference between psychoacoustic and theoretical consonance 13:45 scale as two tetrachords 16:00 problem with triads in history of music theory 17:00 parncutt's main claim, tonality is from 1 triad 23:30 when is an interval consonant or dissonant? 29:30 break 45:30 Lerdahl's GTTM and Krumhansl's test - modeling tonal tension by K. 47:30 "green dog" and "big green dog" graphs (green has to be after bog) 48:00 "the big green dog" all branches go to the left. 49:00 the words have different levels (dog is at teh root of the graph) 4:30 "ran fast" (the big green dog ran fast) - ran is th apex now. 51:00 each node of graph is exactly one thing in the sentence. 51:30 c-b-c melody. last c is root. different graph (first c is higher level) 53:00 claire de la lune 54:30 P. 2 pf paper (fig 2, Lerdahl's explanation. Join becomes arrow) 56:00 each node is a note. 58:00 branch right is rising tension, branch left is resolution. 1:09:00 - Parncutt's scale-belonging (back to Fig. 3) to evaluate chords 1:11:00 - distance traveled to get to a chord (Fig. 5) 1:26 - Lerdahl new music structure (5th and minor second) 1:28 - both Lerdahl and Cope think music is linguistic 1:31 - Krumhansl experiment - play up to a point, ask if that's a good stop 1:33 - does lerdahl-distance predict stoppability? 1:34:00 in chromatic period, only 4 levels instead of 5 (no more triad) 1:36:00 result: tantalizingly close but have to fiddle with each new example 1:37:00 usefulness of lerdahl 1:37:00 NMF and attack detection next time, and try for musical time 8a.