Software by Miller Puckette

See also for a community-maintained website with pointers to many related resources: add-ons, extensions, other packages (such as Pd inside a VST plug-in), mailing lists, and much more documentation.

Pure Data (Pd): real-time music and multimedia environment

HTML documentation for Pd

README file for Pd


Pd source code

Pd application, compiled for Macintosh OS 10.10 or newer

- compiled for Microsoft Windows, 64 bit executable (zip archive)\\

- compiled for Microsoft Windows, 64 bit executable (automatic installer)

Pd compiled for older systems:

- 32 bit application for Microsoft Windows XP or later; for loading old, 32-bit external libraries (zip archive)

- 32 bit application for Microsoft Windows XP or later; for loading old, 32-bit external libraries (automatic installer)

- Pd 0.53-1, 64-bit application for Macintosh OS 10.7 - 10.9

- 32-bit ("i386") application for Macintosh OS 10.7 - 10.14; for loading old, 32-bit external libraries

------- pd~ ported to Max/MSP 6,7, and 8 by Puckette & Apel ---------

PdMax Version 0.54 for MacOS version 10

PdMax Version 0.55test1 for MacOS versions 11-12 including M1 support

PdMax Version 0.54 for PCs

Here is a directory listing of all downloadable files.

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