ICAM 160a: Senior Project (Winter 2001)

Professor Miller Puckette; 858-534-4823; msp@ucsd.edu; https://msp.ucsd.edu/
Meets in Mandeville (0326) room 124, Fridays at 11:30.
Office hours: CRCA (Building 408) Room 7, Wednesdays 11:45-12:45 or by appointmnt.

Sheldon brown has written a general description of the 160ab sequence. This section is intended primarily for students wishing to do projects with a strong musical component; students should have taken at least 8 units of music department ICAM offerings beyond ICAM 103.

Preliminay schedule:

Week 1. introduction

Week 2-3. Individual meetings with students

Week 4. Students make mid-term web-based presentations of their projects

Week 5-7. Study relevant tools and technologies

Week 8-9. Individual meetings with students

Week 10. Final student presentations of projects. In addition to the web site, provide a "portfolio" of the project's current state and a 5 page paper discussing the work from an artistic standpoint and contextualizing it among other relevant artworks.