Music 171 homework 3 (due Jan. 29)
Make a patch that plays ascending A-major triads (frequencies of 440, 550, and 660 are fine, but you may use the tempered pitches if you prefer them.) A number box, which the patch should initialize to 6, should control the number of notes per second. (The whole 3-note sequence should repeat at 1/3 that rate.) Use an array of numbers to control the pitches via the "tabread~" object. (There are other ways to accomplish this, but please stick to this method for now.)

There should be easy-to-find buttons to start and stop the sound (by controlling the output amplitude), as well as teh control to change the rate. If you've done it right, using a negative number for the rate should reverse the order the three pitches rotate in.

To do this you might need to:

It should sound like this.

For extra credit, make alternating tones have two different timbres, one sinusoidal, the other a hand-drawn waveform. Since the pattern of pitches is three long, the whole thing will only repeat after six notes in stead of three. To do that you might need to:

The result should sound something like this.

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