Music 171: how to in homework

(Fixed after the disastrous attempt to use SSH during class Thursday...)

You can turn in homework from Windows, Macintosh, or Linux machines, using ftp.

On Microsoft Windows, start the "command prompt", or on Mac OSX, start a "terminal". You get a prompt. Now get its current directory to be the directory your homework is in:

    cd "C:\home\homework1"
or wherever it is. (On OSX, it will have forward slashes and no "drive letter" as in "/users/bonzo/homework1".) Then issue the "ftp" command:
(Substitute your own account name for "mu171wzz".) You should see a prompt like "ftp>". You type commands to that prompt until you're done and then type "quit" to get back to the "terminal window" prompt.

Next you have to set FTP's remote directory:

	cd ../public/homework1/mu171wzz
Actually, you might want to do this in steps, i.e., "../public", then "homework1", then "mu171wzz", so that you can list and verify the contents as you go, using the "directory" command:
You should end up in the directory, "/u1/mu171w/public/homework1/mu171wzz" (but with your own login name instead of "mu171wzz") .

Once you've got the remote directory correct, transfer the files:

	put myfile.pd
	chmod 644 myfile.pd
(Repeat this for each file.) If you're running windows 98 or ME, the "chmod" might not work, but whenever it doesn't then it appears to be unnecessary.

If you are sending any soundfiles, be sure to put FTP into "binary" mode first:

You can verify that the files actually got there by starting FTP again from some other directory and copying them back using the "get" command.

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