Music 171: using ACS machines

There are ACS machines in Mandeville B206 (Macs and PCs) and in APM B349 (PCs), equipped with audio output jacks. BRING YOUR OWN HEADPHONES. The jack is stereo mini, just like on portable music players.

MACINTOSHES: find one running OSX, not "system 9". (The ones labeled "mac08" through "mac14" are good.) Log into your class account. Then start a "terminal" by clicking on the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. In the terminal window, type:

Up comes the Pd main window.

Note that this particular version of Pd doesn't know about the "apple" key - use the "control" key for key accelerators like "control-n" for a new window. Pd's menus are at the top of teh screen, incorrectly labelledd "wish". The "folder" called "home" is a good place to store stuff if you want it still to be there next time you log in. You can save typing by making a file named ".profile" and putting in it the single line,

	alias pd=/Applications/pd-0.37-0/bin/pd
After doing this, start a new terminal window and you should be able to type the simple command "pd".

PCs: There are two PCs in the "computer garden" side of B206 and another in the classroom side. The ones in the computer garder side will be easier to deal with since their audio output shows up on headphone jacks; the other PC's output goes into a mixer which you'd have to figure out how to use. To start Pd, click on "My computer", open the hard drive ("C"), then open "pd-0.37", and inside that, open "bin". One application icon will just be named "Pd"; it will have a white rectangle and a blue strip across its top. Open that and Pd will start.

You can save files in "My Documents" which will stay there in your account (if you leave files elsewhere they get erased.)

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