Music 171 final project
Final presentations are due Tuesday, March 15, 3-6 PM, in the classroom.
Every student will get a chance to demonstrate his or her project to the class,
which should take the form pf a Pd patch, possibly with supporting files.
We'll work out a quick way of sequencing people's patches so that we can get
through everything in the three hours alloted. We'll also ask you to turn in
the patch in the usual way.
Possible project ideas:
- Make a 'tape piece' using pd-prepared sounds - that is, a patch that, when
you hit 'start', unleashes a sequence of notes or other sounds, perhaps lasting
a minute, that can be listened to musically.
- Make a drum machine/sequencer. A 4/4 rhythm will be fine. It should play
a loop of percussive sounds, preferably with variations from cycle to cycle.
- Make an interactive playable "laptop instrument" (using keys to set things
off, and perhaps the mouse as a controller.)
- Make a patch that plays a Bach 2-part invention. You can use the "qlist"
object to play a sequence (or the "seq" object from Pd extended if you prefer).
(Note: we haven't yet seen either of these objects in class; you might have to
find out how to use them independently!) There should be a 2-voice synthesizer
in the patch to play the sequence, preferably with two distinct sounds.
- (For computer hackers only): write your own extrnal Pd object that does
something you couldn't find in Pd vanilla, such as a bit crusher.
- Make a pitch corrector that you talk into (or play sampled speech through)
and that corrects the pitch to fall on a fixed musical scale (like the
commercial Melodyne software).
- Make up your own project idea (come to office hours to talk about it