Music 171 homework 4

Hats off to Wendy Carlos

First off if you have 2 free hours someday, do watch Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange - you'll never hear Beethoven the same way again. This assignment is to make a simple polyphonic synth that (to my ears at least) hearkens somehow to Wendy Carlos's soundtrack for that movie.

The assignment is to build a polyphonic wavetable synthesizer. The synthesizer's design itself is quite simple - just two slightly detuned oscillators each playing a hand-drawn waveform using tabread4~. The main point of the exercise is to learn how to use Pd's abstraction mechanism to manage four-voice polyphonic synthesis. There are more complicated examples how to do this in the textbook, but this one can be quite simple - it should just play four-note chords (or, in music speak, four-voice chords), set off by simply sending a message with the four desired MIDI pitches. For example, the first chord (C major) should be set off by a message box with these contents:

48 52 55 60

To make the patch (each of the following steps is worth 2 points for a total of 10):

Your successful patch should sound something like this.

Here's my version of the first six measures of score, not guaranteed to have perfect voice leading:

48 52 55 60
45 52 57 60
41 50 57 62
43 50 55 59
45 50 57 60
47 50 55 62

48 55 60 64
45 57 60 64
41 57 60 65
43 55 60 64
44 53 59 62
45 52 57 60

41 53 57 62
43 52 55 60
43 50 53 59
36 52 55 60

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