Music 171 homework 6

This homework is designed to give you practice with voice management, parameters, and also to introduce ring modulation as a spectral manipulation tool (shown in class Feb. 11).

The assignment is to build another polyphonic synthesizer. This one should take messages with at least three independently controllable parameters (pitch, index of modulation for waveshaping, and a ring modulation frequency as a factor to multiply by the frequency of the waveshaped tone). Each voice should consist of an oscillator with a waveshaper with a variable index of modulation (fine just to use cos~ as the waveshape, but if you do, remember to correct for the fact that this doubles the fundamental frequency) . This should be passed to a ring modulator (that is, multiplied by a sinusoid) whose frequency is set to a controllable multiple of the fundamental frequency.

Using a metronome and the usual techniques, make random selections between more than one pitch (I'm using 51, 53, and 60), at least two indices of modulation, and at least two choices of the multiple to use for the ring modulator oscillator.

Your successful patch should be able to make sounds like this. (But you're encouraged to find your own sets of pitches and other parameters).

To make the patch (with the usual grading):

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