Music 172: Digital Audio Synthesis
Spring quarter 2001. University of California, San Diego

Prerequisite: Music 171
Textbook: none
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:20-3:40 in Mandeville B206
Instructor: Professor Miller Puckette , Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, 534-4823,,
Office Hours: B206, after class.
TA: Momilani Ramstrum,

The overall subject of this class is to develop a knowledge of the ``tilde" objects in Max/MSP and Pd which carry out audio synthesis.

In addition to a mid-term and final project there will be five short assignments announced in class. There is an ACS drop folder for you to put homework in. Please don't e-mail it... our e-mail queues are easily overloaded.

Computers. This class is supported by ACS (Academic Computing Services) in the APM 349 lab (Applied Physics and Mathematics building). You can obtain class accounts and get a door code in class. (Note that the lab is unavailable certain hours.) Machines labeled "audio" are set up for this course. There's an ACS machine for use in class too, so you can see how to navigate the systems. Alternatively you can work on your own PC; Pd is freely available at The Macintosh-bound can either work in Mandeville B206 or go buy their own copies of Max/MSP from

Macintosh specifics..

Here is a growing list of known differences between Max/MSP and Pd.

Course topics:

week 1. wavetable oscillators, amplitudes, frequencies.
control objects introduced: mtof, ftom, dbtorms
DSP objects: tabosc4~, osc~, throw~, catch~, line~, +~, *~, dac~
Here are the examples from class.
Here is the assignment due Thursday April 12, and here is a solution to the assignment.

week 2. sequencing and polyphonic voice control. Using abstractions in Pd. How to use quartic "pseudoexponential" curves to control pitches and amplitudes. Sequencing using "qlist." MACINTOSH USERS: you can get "qlist" from this web page when we manage to get it here, probably Monday.
new object: qlist
old friends: sqrt, pack, unpack
here are this week's examples, and here is the second assignment.

week 3. analog-style synthesis (PWM and filtering)

week 4. envelope generators and analog ``sequencers". Examples

week 5. samplers. Examples

week 6. More on samplers and sequencing. Examples

week 7. presentation of midterm projects

week 8. Delay effects and reverberation. Examples

week 9. Musical construction. Examples

week 10. 3-D graphics using Gem

Here is a description of the final assignment.