Music 176: Computer sensing and control for artistic applications
University of California, San Diego
Spring quarter 2000

Prerequisite: Music 172 plus basic transistor circuit breadboarding skills
Textbook: none
Meetings: to be announced; contact the
Professor Miller Puckette
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts

The aim of this seminar is to develop a web page of resources for computer I/O to hardware devices for real-time artistic applications such as music performances, installations, or theatre. Each participant will be expected either to develop a Pd "extern" to control one of the standard PC devices (joystick, printer port, serial port, video input, video output, ...) or to implement and document a hardware project with an artistic application. The results will become part of the public domain Pd software base.

The following are really just placeholders; the only one I've really made progress on is the joystick port:

Joystick Port

Serial Port

Parallel Port

Analog Video Input