Music 176. Music Technology Seminar
Spring quarter 2003. University of California, San Diego

Prerequisite: Music 171
Textbook: none
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00-12:20, Mandeville B206
Instructor: Professor Miller Puckette , CRCA room 7, 858-534-4823,,
Office Hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 2:00-2:30, in the classroom

This seminar's topic changes from year to year; this year it's about computer programming for musical applications. We'll use the C programming language (if you're a C++ junkie that's OK too, but sorry, no Java, for reasons that will become clear during the seminar. Here are the planned topics, each of which should take about two weeks to cover:

  1. writing C programs and Max/Pd externs;
  2. computing with pitch and rhythm;
  3. stochastic algorithms;
  4. feature detection algorithms;
  5. decision systems
At the end of the quarter students will present a programming project from a list of possible topics to be developed in class.