Music 206 (Fall 06 - Spring 07): Live Computer Music

Philippe Manoury, Miller Puckette

This seminar, lasting the entire academic year, aims to facilitate collaboration between composers, performers, and computer music researchers to realize musical projects that would be impossible without an interdisciplinary collaboration. The intention is not merely to put a researcher at a composer's disposition (or vice versa) to realize a preconceived idea, but rather to form genuine partnerships taking advantage of the creative ideas of all parties.

The focus will be on through-composed pieces of music, for which we have scheduled a concert during spring quarter; instrumental forces permitting, we will aim at creating several chamber-sized pieces whose realization will take place over the academic year. We will make plenty of space in the seminar for experimentation between composers, performers (instrumental and/or vocal) and researchers. The seminar will also include sessions of analysis of electronic pieces and studies of different computer techniques, particularly during the fall quarter.

The Fall quarter will be dedicated to analysis of real-time pieces. Each session will be divided in two parts: musical analysis and technical studies. During those second parts, we propose to make experimentations with performers on different technical aspects of these various computer techniques. This period will be also a "brain storming" for composers to develop their own projects. The composers have to submit their projects on October 27. The project must include a technical aspect of musical research and the list of the performers which must be involved.

Fall quarter schedule:

The winter quarter will be focused on developments on the compositional projects. We will organize three sessions with performers to experiment the pieces (in their state of achievement) with electronics.

The spring quarter will be focused on finishing the pieces, rehearsals and concert. At the end of this quarter, we will invite some personalities (composers, researchers, performers...) to present their works.