Music 272. Live Computer Music
Fall and Spring quarters 2009. University of California, San Diego

Meetings: Fridays, 2:00-4:50, CPMC 367

Instructors: Professor Miller Puckette, CPMC 251, 858-534-4823,,
office hours Fridays 1:00-2:00PM, music chair's office.

Professor Philippe Manoury, CPMC 354, 858-822-6724,, office hours by appointment.

Prerequisite: Music 271abc or facility in a real-time music environment (Pd, Max, SuperCollider, or etc)

The fall quarter will include a survey of issues and techniques in live interaction. A series of five assignments will encourage students to master the techniques at the practical level. Here is a trace of what has happened to date:

9/25: Measuring and scheduling things in time; events and signals. (Example patches)
10/2 and 10/9. Examples of interactivity in music of Manoury.
10/16. Parameters and parameter-controlling processes. (Example: null "piece" using PAF). Also. Manoury on Partita.
10/23. measuring spectra of live inputs and data reduction using the cosine transform. (Example patches)
10/30. Parabolic fitting and trends in time; pitch and partial tracking. (Example patches)
11/6. Probability distributions and Markov processes. (Example patches)

...And more stuff to come:
Live processing of instrumental sounds
Virtual Scores: making electronics react to interpretive choice
Parametrizing audio algorithms
Measuring and reacting to sinusoidal components
Video as control source
Decision making strategies
Practical issues in live electronic music