There are two in-class tests, a final exam, and three one-page writing assignments; more details about assignments will be given in class. Assignments and tests count 15% each toward your grade; the final counts 25%. Grades are posted through TritonED (
There are weekly reading and listening assignments, available from the UCSD library reserve system on
Podcasts are available on (the first one is badly miced; hopefully the rest will work better) and snapshots of the blackboard re collecting here.
Topics (these will become web links as notes and files become available):
Mar 29,31 Introduction and terminology
Apr 5,7 Chronology
Apr 12,14 Recording and sampling
Paper 1 is due Apr. 14
Apr 19,21
Synthesis, elektronischemusik, and synthesizers
Apr 26,28 Computers and digital audio
Test 1 is on Apr. 28
May 3,5 Multitracking and audio production
Paper 2 is due May 12.
May 10,12 Electric and electronic instruments
May 17,19 Live electronic music.
Test 2 is DELAYED until Thursday, May 26.
Here is my excerpted recording of
Philippe Manoury, Pluton.
May 24,26 Modernism and post-modernism.
Paper 3 is due May 26.
May 31,Jun 2 Music and media
Final exam: Monday, June 6, 11:30-2:29