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Prefabricated low-, high-, and band-pass filters

Patches H01.low-pass.pd, H02.high-pass.pd, and (Figure 8.28) show Pd's built-in filters, which implement filter designs described in sections 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and [*]. Two of the patches also use a noise generator we have not introduced before; so we now introduce four new Pd objects:

\fbox{\texttt{lop\~}}: One-pole low-pass filter. The left inlet takes a signal to be filtered, and the right inlet takes control messages to set the cutoff frequency of the filter. The filter is normalized so that the gain is one at frequency 0.

\fbox{ \texttt{hip\~}}: One-pole, one-zero high-pass filter, with the same inputs and outputs as lop~, normalized to have a gain of one at the Nyquist frequency.

\fbox{ \texttt{bp\~}}: Resonant filter. The middle inlet takes control messages to set the center qrequency, and the right inlet to set ``q".

\fbox{ \texttt{noise\~}}: Outputs white noise. Each sample is an independent pseudo-random number, uniformly distributed from -1 to 1.

Figure 8.28: Using prefabricated filters in Pd: (a). a low-pass filter, with white noise as a test input; (b). using a high-pass filter to remove a signal component of frequency 0.

As shown in Figure 8.28, the first three example patches demonstrate these three filters. The lop~ and bp~ objects are demonstrated with noise as input; hip~ as shown is used to remove the DC (zero frequency) component of a signal.

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Miller Puckette 2005-02-21