Two amplitudes are often best compared using their ratio rather than their
difference. For example, saying that one signal's amplitude is greater than
another's by a factor of two is more informative than saying it is greater by
30 millivolts. This is true for any measure of amplitude (RMS or peak, for
instance). To facilitate this we often express amplitudes in logarithmic units
decibels. If is an amplitude in any linear scale (such as above)
then we can define the decibel (dB) amplitude
Still using as a reference amplitude, a signal with linear amplitude smaller than
will have a negative amplitude in decibels:
gives -20 dB,
gives -40, and so on. A linear amplitude of zero is smaller than
that of any value in dB, so we give it a dB value of
In digital audio a convenient choice of reference, assuming the hardware
has a maximum amplitude of one, is
Amplitude is related in an inexact way to perceived loudness of a sound. In general, two signals with the same peak or RMS amplitude won't necessarily have the same loudness at all. But amplifying a signal by 3 dB, say, will fairly reliably make it sound about one "step" louder. Much has been made of the supposedly logarithmic responses of our ears (and other senses), which may indeed partially explain why decibels are such a popular scale of amplitude.
Amplitude is also related in an inexact way to musical dynamic. Dynamic is better thought of as a measure of effort than of loudness or power, and the scale moves, roughly, over nine values: rest, ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff. These correlate in an even looser way with the amplitude of a signal than does loudness [RMW02, pp. 110-111].