For low fundamental frequencies, oversampling is an easy way to get adequate
foldover protection. If we wish to allow higher frequencies, we will need more
sophisticated approaches to the problem. One of these is to replace
discontinuities by ramps, or in other words, to reduce component sawtooth waves
by triangle waves, as treated in the previous section, with values of
small enough so that the result sounds like a sawtooth wave, but large enough
to control foldover.
Returning to Figure 10.8, suppose for example we imitate a sawtooth
wave with a triangle wave with equal to two samples, so that the first
notch falls on the Nyquist frequency. Partials above the first notch (the 17th
partial in the figure) will fold over; the worst of them is about 40 dB below
the fundamental. On the other hand, the partial strengths start dropping faster
than those of a true sawtooth wave at about half the Nyquist frequency. This
is acceptable in some, but not all, situations.
The triangle wave strategy can be combined with oversampling to improve the
situation further. Again in the context of Figure 10.8, suppose we
oversample by a factor of 4, and set the first notch at the original sample
rate. The partials up to the Nyquist frequency (partial 8, at the fundamental
frequency shown in the figure) follow those of the true sawtooth wave fairly
well. Foldover sets in only at partial number 48, and is 52 dB below the
fundamental. This overall behavior holds for any fundamental frequency up to
about one quarter the sample rate (after which exceeds
). Setting the
notch frequency to the original sample rate is equivalent to setting the
segment of length
to two samples.