QUACKTRIP -- PEER-TO-PEER HIGH-QUALITY LOW-LATENCY AUDIO NETTY MCNETFACE -- SMALL-ENSEMBLE AUDIO USING A CENTRAL PACKET REPEATER (experimental:) MUSIC101 -- SOLUTION FOR LARGER ENSEMBLES Copyright 2020 Miller Puckette. This is open source software. free to use and modify under the Standard Improved BSD License (lib/LICENSE.txt in this distribution). Quacktrip is an implementation, in Pure Data, of Chris Chafe's Jacktrip network protocol, based on jacktrip.pd by Roman Haefeli and Johannes Schuett. It establishes a low-latency, point-to-point connection between two sites, with no audio compression. Quacktrip is available as Mac and PC apps, as patches you can load yourself into Pure Data, and as VST plug-ins (VST2 and VST3 for Mac, VST3 only for PC.) Netty McNetface connects up to 12 musicians, with the help of a central server, set up on a machine with a public IP address, that repeats audio from each to all the others. Each musician can make her own mix of all the signals. Music101 is designed for larger ensembles, in which one musician takes the role of "chef" and runs a mixer for the group. There is one centrally computed mix which all members hear. These are distributed on http://msp.ucsd.edu/tools/quacktrip/ and documentation is on http://msp.ucsd.edu/tools/quacktrip/doc.htm .