Music 172: Computer Music II (digital audio synthesis)
Spring quarter 2002. University of California, San Diego

Prerequisite: Music 171
Textbook: TBA (on line -- watch this space)
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30-1:55 in Mandeville B206
Instructor: Professor Miller Puckette , CRCA room 7, 858-534-4823,,
Office Hours: Mandeville B206, after class
TA: Pei Xiang:

This is a continuation of Music 171, but using the Pd program instead of Max/MSP. Pd is free and you can run it on Windows, Linux, or Mac OSX. Get it at .

Classes and asignments will be handled much as they were in Music 171.

Preliminary list of topics (about one per week):

1. amplitudes and frequencies

2. wavetable oscillators and samples

3. controls and signals

4. graphics programming with GEM

5. envelope generators, PWM and analog-style waveforms

6. voice management: polyphony, abstractions, muting/de-clicking

7. filtering

8. delays and delay effects

9. amplitude and frequency modulation

10. nonlinear techniques, waveshaping, and PAF