Generalizing the one-zero, one-pole filter above, supose we place the
zero at a point , a real number close to, but less than, one. The
pole, at the point
, is similarly situated, and might be either
greater than or less than
, i.e., to the right or left, respectively,
but with both
within the unit circle. This situation is
diagrammed in Figure 8.14.
At points of the circle far from and
, the effects of the pole and the
zero are nearly inverse (the distances to themare nearly equal), so the filter
largely passes those frequencies unaltered. In the neighborhood of
on the other hand, the filter will have a gain greater or less than one depending
on which of
is closer to the circle. This configuration therefore
acts as a low-frequency shelving filter. (To make a high-frequency shelving
filter we do the same thing, only placing
close to -1 instead
of 1.)
To find the parameters of a desired shelving filter, start with a desired
transition frequency (in angular units) and a desired low-frequency
. First we choose an average distance
, as pictured in the figure,
from the pole and the zero to theedge of the circle. For small values of
the region of influence (the crossover frequency) is about
Then put the pole at
and the zero at
. The gain at zero frequency is then