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When we use waveshaping the shape of the formant is determined by
a modulation term
For small values of the index
, the modulation term varies only slightly from
the constant value
, so most of the energy is concentrated at DC.
increases, the energy spreads out among progressively higher harmonics
of the fundamental
. Depending on the function
, this spread
may be orderly or disorderly. An orderly spread may be desirable and
then again may not, depending on whether our goal is a predictable spectrum or
a wide range of different (and perhaps hard-to-predict) spectra.
The waveshaping function
, analyzed on
gives well-behaved, simple and predictable results. After normalizing suitably,
we got the spectra shown in Figure 5.13. A slight rewriting of the
waveshaping modulator for this choice of
(and taking the renormalization
into account) gives:
so that
is proportional to the bandwidth. This can
be rewritten as
Except for a missing normalization factor, this is a Gaussian distribution,
sometimes called a ``bell curve". The amplitudes of the harmonics are
given by Bessel ``I" type functions.
Another fine choice is the (again unnormalized) Cauchy distribution:
which gives rise to a spectrum of exponentially falling harmonics:
are functions of the index
(explicit formulas are given in [Puc95a]).
In both this and the Gaussian case above, the bandwidth (counted in peaks,
i.e., units of
) is roughly proportional to the index
, and the
amplitude of the DC term (the peak of the spectrum) is roughly proportional
For either waveshaping function (
), if
is larger than about 2,
the waveshape of
approximately a (forward or backward) scan of the transfer function, so
the result looks
like pulses whose widths decrease as the specified bandwidth increases.
Next: Pulse trains via wavetable
Up: Pulse trains
Previous: Pulse trains
Miller Puckette