Next: Wavetables and samplers
Up: Acoustics of digital audio
Previous: conversion between frequency and
- If 0 dB corresponds to an amplitude of 1,
how many dB corresponds to amplitudes of 1.5, 2, 3, and 5? (Answer:
about 3, 6, 10, and 14.)
- Two uncorrelated signals of RMS amplitude 3 and 4 are added; what's the
RMS amplitude of the sum?
- How many uncorrelated signals, all of equal amplitude, would you have
to add to get a signal that is 9 dB hotter?
- What is the angular frequency of middle C at 44100 samples per second?
- If
is an audio signal, show that:
is the window size. Under what conditions does equality hold for
each one?
- If
is the SINUSOID of Section 1.1, and making the assumptions
of section 1.2, show that its RMS amplitude is approximately
Hint: use an integral to approximate the sum. Since the window contains
many periods, you can assume that the integral covers a whole number of periods.
Next: Wavetables and samplers
Up: Acoustics of digital audio
Previous: conversion between frequency and